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Thoracic fusion is a surgical procedure performed to stabilize and fuse two or more vertebrae in the thoracic spine. It is commonly used to treat various conditions such as spinal deformities (e.g., scoliosis or kyphosis), fractures, tumors, or severe degenerative disc disease in the thoracic region.

During a thoracic fusion, the patient is usually placed under general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision in the back over the affected area of the thoracic spine. The muscles and tissues are carefully moved aside to expose the spine and the affected vertebrae.

Next, the surgeon removes the damaged or diseased disc between the vertebrae. Bone graft material is then placed in the empty disc space. The bone graft can be autograft (taken from the patient’s own body, usually the iliac crest of the hip) or allograft (taken from a donor or synthetic material). The bone graft promotes the growth of new bone and facilitates the fusion process.

To provide stability during the fusion process, the surgeon may also use metal implants such as screws, rods, plates, or cages. These implants help maintain proper alignment and support the spine while the fusion occurs.

Over time, the bone graft stimulates new bone growth, and the fused vertebrae become one solid segment of the spine. This fusion helps to stabilize the spine, reduce pain, and potentially correct spinal deformities or other spinal conditions.

After the procedure, the incision is closed, and the patient is typically monitored in the hospital for a few days. Recovery time can vary, but physical therapy and rehabilitation are often recommended to aid in the healing process and to help regain strength, flexibility, and function.

As with any surgical procedure, thoracic fusion carries potential risks and complications, including infection, bleeding, nerve damage, failure of fusion, or adverse reactions to anesthesia.

It’s important to consult with a qualified spine specialist who can evaluate your specific condition and discuss the potential benefits, risks, and alternatives of thoracic fusion as a treatment option for you. They will consider factors such as the severity of your condition, overall health, and individual needs to provide personalized advice and recommendations. At Alabama Bone and Joint Clinic our spine specialist will guide you through your treatment options. Call today to schedule an appointment with our expert in spine care, Winston Capel, M.D. is board certified in neurosurgery and fellowship trained in spinal surgery.