Knee surgery refers to a range of medical procedures performed on the knee joint to address various conditions or injuries. Here are a few common types of knee surgeries:

1. Arthroscopy:

Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that involves inserting a thin tube with a camera (arthroscope) into the knee joint through small incisions. It allows the surgeon to visualize the inside of the knee and perform repairs, such as trimming torn cartilage or repairing ligaments.

2. ACL Reconstruction:

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction is a surgical procedure done to repair a torn ACL. The surgeon replaces the damaged ligament with a graft, usually taken from the patient’s own tissue or a donor, and secures it in place with screws or other devices.

3. Knee Replacement Surgery:

Knee replacement, also known as knee arthroplasty, is a procedure performed when severe knee arthritis or joint damage affects the quality of life. In this surgery, the damaged portions of the knee joint are replaced with artificial implants made of metal, plastic, or ceramic materials.

4. Meniscus Repair or Meniscectomy:

The meniscus is a C-shaped cartilage in the knee that acts as a cushion between the thighbone and shinbone. Meniscus tears are common knee injuries. Depending on the tear’s location, severity, and patient factors, the surgeon may either repair the torn meniscus using sutures or remove the damaged portion (partial meniscectomy).

5. Patellar Realignment:

This surgery is performed to correct patellar (kneecap) tracking issues. It involves realigning the patella to improve its movement within the knee joint and alleviate symptoms like pain, instability, or dislocation.

6. Synovectomy:

Synovectomy is the removal of the synovial membrane, which lines the knee joint. It may be done to treat conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, where the synovial membrane becomes inflamed and causes pain and swelling.

It’s important to note that specific surgical approaches and techniques can vary based on individual cases, and it’s best to consult with a qualified orthopedic surgeon who can provide a comprehensive evaluation and recommend the most appropriate surgical intervention for your specific knee condition. At Alabama Bone and Joint Clinic our specialists are able to guide you through your treatment options. Call today to schedule an appointment with one of our experts in orthopedic care.